Saturday 26 May 2007


A simple pleasure that is easily shared over the web. Note that there are more flower photos in the texture entry below this also (both blog entries were done at the same time).

Droplet on a flower in one of Chiang Mai's many Wats. Northern Thailand

Frangipani in Phuket. Southern Thailand

Lotus buds for gifting to people or Buddha. Chiang Rai, Northern Thailand

I don't know what this one is, but many of these in different shades in Laos...

Okay - this isn't a flower, but the arrangement allowed me to include in this blog entry. This is a side salad, from a restaurant in Phuket, Southern Thailand

1 comment:

Jenn said...

As the girl from Florida, I can name the unidentified flower as a Hibiscus. :-)